- 27/02/2025: DEPARTMENT VISIT
Balázs Bauer will spend the months of March and April 2025 at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China), hosted by Li Zhang and Ti Chen. Good luck for your work there!
- 26/02/2025: NEW RELEASE
A new release of DynIn is now available! The new version of the toolbox encompasses both the old DynIn and DynInD, with some new features. It can be downloaded from either GitHub or Matlab File Exchange.
- 09/02/2025: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Unstable Limit Cycle Estimation from Small Perturbations: A Minimal-Data-Driven Approach", by Giuseppe Habib has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 14/01/2025: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Spectral submanifolds in time delay systems", by Bence Szaksz, Gábor Orosz and Gábor Stépán has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 15/12/2024: AWARD
Balázs Bauer and Márton Szabó were both awarded with the DKÖP-25 scholarship, reserved to excellent PhD students. Congratulations!
- 10/12/2024: PHD GRADUATE
Bence Szaksz successfully completed his PhD defense. The title of the thesis is "The stabilizing and destabilizing effects of time delays in nonlinear dynamical systems". Congratulations!
- 04/12/2024: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Fold Bifurcation Identification through Scientific Machine Learning", by Giuseppe Habib and Ádám Horváth has been published in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena.
- 04/12/2024: PHD GRADUATE
Fanni Kádár successfully completed her PhD defense. The title of the thesis is "Bifurcations and bistability in nonlinear mechanical systems". Congratulations!
- 18/11/2024: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Modeling nonlinear dynamics from videos", by Antony Yang, Joar Axås, Fanni Kádár, Gábor Stépán and George Haller has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 18/11/2024: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Model-free fold bifurcation prediction from pre-bifurcation scenario: experimental validation through wheel shimmy vibrations", by Fanni Kádár, Gábor Stépán and Giuseppe Habib has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 14/11/2024: SEMINAR TALK
Giuseppe Habib, hosted by István Faragó, held a seminar talk in the Farkas Miklós seminar series entitled Challenges in Global Dynamics: Dynamical Integrity Assessment and (small)-Data-Driven Prediction.
- 24-27/09/2024: CONFERENCE TALKS
Bence Szaksz and Fanni Kádár presented their research work at the IFAC-TDS Conference (Udine, Italy).
- 12/09/2024: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Comparison of feed-forward control strategies for simplified vertical hopping model with intrinsic muscle properties", by Dóra Patkó and Ambrus Zelei has been published in Bioinspiration & Biomimetics.
- 13/09/2024: SEMINAR TALK
Fanni Kádár, hosted by Hangyu Lu, held a seminar talk at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) about Bifurcations and bistability in nonlinear mechanical systems.
- 06/09/2024: SEMINAR TALK
Fanni Kádár, hosted by Li Zhang, held a seminar talk at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China) about Bifurcations and bistability in nonlinear mechanical systems.
- 09-11/09/2024: CONFERENCE TALK
Balázs Bauer delivered a presentation entiteled "A model-free fold bifurcation prediction method based on transient dynamics: experimental validation on wheel-shimmy problem" at the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA) (Leuven, Belgium).
- 25-31/08/2024: CONFERENCE TALK
Fanni Kádár delivered a presentation entiteled "A reduced order approach for race car porpoising" at the 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) (Daegu, Republic of Korea).
- 29-30/07/2024: CONFERENCE TALKS
Giuseppe Habib, Fanni Kádár, Dóra Patkó, Balázs Bauer, Márton Szabó, Bálint Bodor and Bence Szaksz presented their research work at the IDEAS Conference (Budapest, Hungary).
- 22-26/07/2024: CONFERENCE TALKS
Giuseppe Habib, Fanni Kádár, Dóra Patkó, Balázs Bauer and Bence Szaksz presented their research work at the 11th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC) (Delft, Netherlands).
- 17/07/2024: SEMINAR TALK
Giuseppe Habib, hosted by Li Zhang, held a seminar talk at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China) about Global Dynamics and Dynamical Integrity Assessment.
- 15/07/2024: SEMINAR TALK
Giuseppe Habib, hosted by Hangyu Lu, held a seminar talk at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) about Global Dynamics and Dynamical Integrity Assessment.
- 08-19/08/2024: SUMMER COURSE
Giuseppe Habib held a two-week summer course about 'Vibrations' at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China)".
- 02/08/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bálint Bodor delivered a presentation entiteled "Iterative approaches for the control of underactuated mechanical systems" at the Mechanism and Machine Theory Symposium (Guimarães, Portugal).
- 18/06/2024: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Application of nonlinear energy sink in suppressing wheel shimmy for advanced vehicle chassis design under independent wheel subsystems", by Hangyu Lu, Giuseppe Habib, Xiaodong Wu, Yuankai Ren and Liang Yan has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 25/04/2024: CONFERENCE TALKS
Balázs Bauer and Márton Szabó presented their research work at the 32nd International Conference In mechanical Engineering (XXXII. Nemzetközi Gépészeti Konferencia – OGÉT) (Csíksomlyó, Romania).
- 01/02/2024: NEW MEMBER
Márton SZABÓ just started his PhD and jointed the research group. Good luck!
- 25/01/2024: NEW RELEASE
A new release of DynIn (DynIn v. 1.0.2) is now available!
- 24/12/2023: PAPER SUBMITTED
We submitted the paper entitled "Forecasting Fold Bifurcations through Physics-Informed Convolutional Neural Networks", by Giuseppe Habib and Adam Horvath, for publication. Preprint available here. Comments on the manuscript are very welcome.
- 25/11/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Hybrid vibration absorber for self-induced vibration suppression: exact analytical formulation for acceleration feedback control", by Marcell Bartos and Giuseppe Habib, has been published in the Meccanica.
- 09/09/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Predicting saddle-node bifurcations using transient dynamics: a model-free approach", by Giuseppe Habib, has been published in the Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 09/09/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Dynamical integrity estimation in time delayed systems: A rapid iterative algorithm", by Bence Szaksz, Gábor Stépán and Giuseppe Habib, has been published in the Journal of Sound and Vibration.
- 29/08/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz, Dóra Patkó, Bálint Bodor, Fanni Kádár, Ákos Miklós and Balázs Bauer presented their research works at XIV MaMéK, Hungarian Conference of Mechanics (Miskolc, Hungary).
- 02/08/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz delivered a presentation entiteled "Nonlinear guided control of a human driver via an automated vehicle" at the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Design of Mechanical Systems Across Different Length/Time Scales (Tsukuba, Japan).
- 01/08/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "An implicit system of delay differential algebraic equations from hydrodynamics", by Kadar Fanni and Gábor Stépán, has been published in Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations.
- 10/07/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Fanni Kádár delivered a presentation entiteled "Role of wave propagation in valve dynamics" at the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (Prague, Czech Republic).
- 10/07/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz delivered a presentation entiteled "Guided Control of a Human Driver Via an Automated Vehicle" at the 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (Yokohama, Japan).
- 26/06/2023: PAPER SUBMITTED
We submitted the paper entitled "Dynamical integrity estimation in time delayed systems: a rapid iterative algorithm", by Bence Szaksz, Gabor Stepan and Giuseppe Habib, for publication. Preprint available here. Comments on the manuscript are very welcome.
- 20/06/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz, Dóra Patkó, Bálint Bodor and Fanni Kádár presented their research works at NODYCON 2023, The Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (Rome, Italy). Their presentations are entitled, respectively, Iterative algorithm for dynamical integrity assessment of systems subject to time delay, Comparison of feed-forward control strategies for hopping model with intrinsic muscle properties of different complexities, Saddle-node bifurcation prediction from pre-bifurcation scenario and Bistability in pressure relief valve dynamics.
- 19/06/2023: NEW CODE
A new code for the calculation of the dynamical integrity of time delayed systems is available in the Software section.
- 17/05/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz delivered a presentation entiteled "A novel algorithm for dynamical integrity estimation in time delayed systems" at the International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (Marrakech, Morocco).
- 11/05/2023: SEMINAR TALK
Oleg Gendelman, from the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) visited our research group and delivered a seminar talk entiteled Transient and Strongly Nonlinear Dynamics: Beyond Common Simplifications.
- 02/05/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Nonlinear dynamics and safety aspects of pressure relief valves", by Kadar Fanni and Gábor Stépán, has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 09/04/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Dóra Patko delivered a presentation entiteled "Symmetry, benefit or disadvantage? Energy consumption of simple hopping model with intrinsic muscle properties" at the 6th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control (Shanghai, China).
- 08/04/2023: CONFERENCE TALK
Bence Szaksz delivered a presentation entiteled "An iterative algorithm for dynamical integrity assessment of time-delayed systems" at the 6th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control (Shanghai, China).
- 21/03/2023: AWARD
Dóra Patko was awarded at the national round of the "MT180 - My dissertation in 180 seconds" competition organised by the French Institute of Budapest and ESSCA-Budapest with her presentation on the nonlinear dynamics of human gaiting, running and hopping.
- 21/03/2023: PAPER SUBMITTED
We submitted the paper entitled "Predicting Saddle-Node Bifurcations Using Transient Dynamics: A Model-Free Approach", by Giuseppe Habib, for publication. Preprint available here. Comments on the manuscript are very welcome.
- 16/03/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Inverted resonance capture cascade: modal interactions of a nonlinear energy sink with softening stiffness", by Kevin Dekemele and Giuseppe Habib, has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
- 15/03/2023: SEMINAR TALK
Giuseppe Habib, hosted by Antonio Papangelo, held a seminar talk at the Politecnico di Bari (Italy) about Global Dynamics and Dynamical Integrity.
- 05/02/2023: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Towed wheel shimmy suppression through a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber", by Giuseppe Habib and Alberto Epasto, has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics
- 21/11/2022: SEMINAR TALK
Giuseppe Habib, hosted by Oleg Gendelman in the framework of Erasmus+, held a seminar talk at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel) about Global Dynamics and Dynamical Integrity.
- 12/07/2022: PAPER PUBLISHED
Our paper entitled "Parametric excitation suppression in a floating cylinder via dynamic vibration absorbers a comparative analysis", by Josh Davidson, Tamás Kalmár-Nagy and Giuseppe Habib has been published in Nonlinear Dynamics.
Other research groups at the Department of Applied Mechanics
MTA-BME Lendület Global Dynamics Research Group
Nonlinear dynamical phenomena have increasing relevance in engineering systems. Methods for analyzing them exist but are generally complex, time-consuming and unpractical from an industrial perspective. Consequently, they are often overlooked, which leads to dangerous situations and accidents. This across-the-board problem is encountered in several disciplines. Our vision is to develop analytical and numerical tools which enable the easy and rapid detection of dangerous dynamical phenomena, otherwise hardly predictable. We aim to make these tools practically implementable by engineers, thus changing their design approach to develop safer and better-optimized engineering devices.
Our research group focuses on developing software that is useful for scientists and engineers working with dynamical systems. You can visit our Software section to download any of our codes. We welcome any feedback you may have.
We highly value partnerships with both academic and industrial collaborators. If you're interested in working with us, please don't hesitate to reach out by visiting our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you!
The MTA-BME Lendület “Momentum” Global Dynamics Research Group was established in October 2022 within the frame of the Lendület Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Science (MTA). The Research Group is based at the Department of Applied Mechanics at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).